
Best Obama Blocks of 2010

And now, the nominees for Best of the Blocks 2010 in the category Best Obama Files Block:

Party Like It's 1947: Just when you thought it was safe to walk into a integrated restaurant, racism rears its ugly, ignorant head again.

Black People: Your President Needs You!:
Reminder to the black folk of America: you would not be better off with a white president of either party.

The Secret to Obama's Success
: How does this man keep defying odds and getting things done? Obama's got a secret.

We Are the Kennedy Babies: Ode to the newborn babies born during the 1,000 days of the Kennedy Administration.

President Obama's Faults: Compliation of all for which the first black president is to blame. And then some.

And the winner is ... every block labeled the Obama Files, now and forever at Randy Boyd's Blocks.