
Best Jock Blocks of 2010

And now, the nominees for Best of the Blocks 2010 in the category Best Jock Block (from the blocks labeled Jockin': Homos in Sports):

Dear MLB Players: Lighten Up on Your Gay Teammates: Reality check for the Major League Baseball players who still believe none of their teammates are homo.

Black Teen's Tough Choice: Play Sports or Be a Fag: Story of young black Hoosier playing hoops and coming of age in Indiana in the late 1970s.

College Basketball Players: Lighten Up on Your Gay Teammates: Reality check for the generation of college athletes who came of age in post-Will and Grace America.

What Makes an Athlete Straight or Gay?: Reality check for anyone who still believes men don't lie about their sexual habits.

Every Boy, Sweet Dream: Wistful dream of a day when all boys are created equal.

When I Played Basketball: Black gay author's ruminations on a life in and out of basketball.

And the winner is ... every block labeled Jockin': Homos in Sports, now and forever at Randy Boyd's Blocks.