You may know me as the cute, lovable golden mutt in the novel, Walt Loves the Bearcat by Randy Boyd. Yes, that's me, uplifting the spirits of the injured quarterback, and looking so cute and adorable doing it.
Thanks to Freaky Deaky Technologies, I'm guest blogging on my author's blog. Not only are my thoughts being downloaded, they're also being translated from dog to English! How cool is that!
When I was asked to do Pet the Dog Week, I leaped, literally, at the treat, er, opportunity dangling in front of my face. My very own week on a blog? How cool is that!
Then I found out the week was dedicated, not to me, but to Boomer, the golden mutt from Randy Boyd's life, not his novel. I decided to take the job anyway (after some serious discussion with my agent). After all, Boomer is the dog who inspired my character in Walt Loves the Bearcat. And it's still a chance for me to get my name out there as a great canine host. Can the Oscars be far behind? Woof! Woof!
So get hip, lol, and check out me, Hip, in Walt Loves the Bearcat. And don't forget to send treats to your host for When In Doubt, Pet the Dog Week on Randy Boyd's Blocks, a doggone celebration of, duh!, When In Doubt, Pet the Dog, the periodic blog column thingy at, duh!, Randy Boyd's Blocks. Woof! Woof!