A Randy Boyd Block is a provocative creation from a black author who puts blocks of letters together to make words that say something. Like a child! Here are some of the blocks that are, now and forever, at Randy Boyd's Blocks:
For most of my life, I would have bet the house in Vegas that one of my young black peers would not grow up to become president of the United States of America in our lifetime. How glad I am that I was wrong. And even more grateful I survived long enough to investigate the Obama Files.
The world of sports has been a part of my life since birth. As a adult, my greatest sports dream is seeing athletes finally admit to being like most men, meaning: they've fucked around with other men. Only then will the world lighten up about Homos in Sports.
I like white skin. And black skin. And red skin. And brown skin. And yellow skin. And olive-skinned skin, and so on. Still, most of the world, myself included, is not colorblind. And so we're still Race Relating.
For nearly two decades, I've been a published writer. Most of my credits can be found in my bio, but the actual stories are scatted about the universe. Now my previously published stories are available in the blocks labeled Randy Reprinted.
He's my pride and joy and my constant companion. His name is Boomer, named after my hometown Indiana Pacers' mascot. If nothing else, daddy's special little buddy has taught me, When In Doubt, Pet the Dog.
There's a newfangled bike called the Trikke. I call it pure pleasure on three wheels. Trikking is like skiing on land. It puts ye ole bicycle to shame in the fun department. Trikke fever is catching on. It's given me a new identity and a whole new column on the blocks: Trikke Randy.
My sister taught me cheerleading when I was age seven. By the time I got to college, I was a cheerleading aficionado. It's no wonder I tried out five times and made it five times, at two rival schools no less. Find out what it was like, cheering for USC, then UCLA in the blocks labeled Cheer Up.
I've been HIV-positive longer than I was ever HIV-negative. In fact, I barely remember what it was like, not being my generation's greatest nightmare. Walk a mile in my shoes in HIV-P.O.V..
These are just some of the blocks I like to play with, now and forever on Randy Boyd's Blocks (.com).