
Best Doggone Week Ever!

Hip here, canine star of Walt Loves the Bearcat, as well as your recent host for When In Doubt, Pet the Dog Week, the special celebration of When In Doubt, Pet the Dog, a memoir thingy on my author's blog.

It was the first-ever theme week on Randy Boyd's Blocks and word on the pee-mail trail smells good! Pet the Dog Week was a howling success. The ratings, I mean, page hits were up! The network executives inside my author's brain are ecstatic.

They're also planning more theme weeks and another Pet the Dog Week, or two, or three. Hey, does my agent know about this? Expect my fees to rise, like the cast of Friends after their big success. Can you say one million bones per episode?

Thanks for tuning into Pet the Dog Week here on the Blocks, hosted by yours truly, Hip! And stay tuned for more When In Doubt, Pet the Dog coming soon.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some network executives to bite.