
World AIDS Daydreaming

I dreamed a dream today.

I dreamed of a world that cares about people living with HIV/AIDS.

I dreamed of Hollywood making movies where people fall in love with characters living with HIV/AIDS.

I dreamed people stop using the terms "clean" and "disease-free."

I dreamed people stop using the term "fight AIDS," as if somebody's at war with me.

I dreamed of a world that learns to manage its fear of the virus, as I have.

I dreamed of a world that knows what I know about AIDS.

I dreamed a dream today.

I dreamed my life living with AIDS matters.

The Most Important Thing AIDS Has Taught Me
Kids, Ask Your Parents About AIDS
AIDS Survivor's Guilt
How To Love Someone with AIDS
I Love My AIDS-Infected Body!
Stop Calling Me Dirty and Disease-Ridden!
Disease-Free At Last